
"I just decided to click over to living in the actual moment instead of inventing all these fantastic fantasies for the future.'"

Wait, so some old guy is able to board a flight with a knife, but the TSA is focusing on afros?

Alright, I'm in tears.

Thanks for sharing this video. Too clever!

Well said.

That is hilarious. I love that EVERY situation is a dire emergency.

I had not thought of that....

I meow at my cats and they just roll their eyes.

Ah, but so much cuter than say a tapeworm. And you can pet them!

I love that.

My cats actually stop when I tell them to knock it off.

And yet you work to provide for your kitty. Hmmm, dumb kitty?

Where is this magical place where lovely grey kitties hold other kitties box-hostage, kitties with stripies act as look-outs, lion kitties roam free, and no one gets in fistacuffs?

Ahahhaha! You made me laugh out loud. Now they're wondering what exactly I'm doing at work.

@ Taigan Lauren Bush Lauren sounds like some school yard game.

It's funny you bring up Pandora because I thought of her also.

Does this mean Lauren Bush will become Lauren Lauren?

I wondered how this would play out once Danielle wasn't around to be the punching bag for this group.

You're right, I should have more directly connected with the comment I "replied" to on this page.

That Glamour editor's comments mirrored and experience I had in my corporate gig. I'd been with the company 8 years having worked my way up the ladder. I worked hard and was rewarded with promotions.