
And that is exactly what I was thinking, that should something happen it's assumed that the person of color would have started the fight and could fight.

Agreed. I like that they are getting some intro lessons, but all I could think was, "What about continual training?" It needs to become an instinct to react rather than having to remember one or two courses you had a year before the incident happens.

@thesporkgirl For me being quick on my feet really means being quick thinking. As for moving stuff? We have people for that. You just need to get some people for that.

Okay. I thought someone mentioned that the applicants where asked about their physical activities like running etc. My mistake then if they weren't.

I first read that as, "Elisabetta Canalis has already been spotted flirting with basketball star Dwyane Wayne." And the wondered if Dwayne Wayne had made some comeback in basketball rather than acting that I'd missed.

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how running and personal training or as relevant as whether you can type quickly, spell correctly, read and deal with people's issues. Because as an admin that's the kind of stuff you do ALL day and everyday.

@ EHB I kept thinking that too, that at least this little girl seemed happy.

I watched this last night and didn't find the prize she recieved to be a "pity prize" at all. She's a child. It's a prize. Adults get too wrapped up in "winning" and don't enjoy the experience.


@girly I seriously feel like MTV should be forced to provide counseling, in addition to financial compensation, to all the familes, particularly the young parents, that appear on this show.

That two minutes of the most depressing experiences of my life. I just want to give those kids better homes with somone who gives a f*ck.

Thank you both for confirming that I am not a snob for thinking the same thing.

It can improve. My mom said something similar to me in my 20s and when I'd lost 60 lbs in two months she saw the damage it had caused.

AHAH! I love it.

That is progress. Hooray for him and kudos for you for helping kids and seeing this kid's improvement.

I want to attend next year's convention also. If we both get to go we should meet up.

I'm super excited about Le Coil. I didn't realize there was a convention for natural/untreated hair.

Am I the only one who keeps thinking of what Whoopie's wearing versus what Coco's wearing?

That's just great. She's advertising cats can get high there.

Thank you for showing me the light and telling me what's worth doing and what isn't.