@ Keith Kisser
@ Keith Kisser
Yes, she seems pretty smart. I supposed you've never made a mistake or had an accident or done something you either regretted or wished you'd handled differently? Your judging behavior doesn't exactly spell of "smarts" to me either.
Thank you.
@Keith Kisser
"It was annoying to hold a girl that was like crying and crying. So I just checked out, you know?"
Too late and now I'm crying and concerned about this young man.
It's called lip service and I doubt that Jesus is found of it.
I thought her sentence was telling, she said it hadn't come up "yet". Which means she's concerned about it.
Agreed. The minute I saw Courtney's emails published I thought the same thing - it's about shaming her and mocking her writing. Not everyone is a great writer. Not every writer is great writing about every topic.
You do know that thin people also suffer from those issues and thus obese people losing weight does not solve all the world's woes.
Yes, him, Gary Coleman and so, so many others.
Ramona is the most embarassing American ever and is clueless to the amount of priviledge she has in contrast to others.
I thought Ramona was WAAAAYYYYY more embarassing in that she was loud, ignorant, loud, wacky and loud. When she starts telling this designer how to do his job I was horrified. And if I hear 'pinot grigio' one more time!!!!
If only Texas HoR would invest this kind of energy into other areas that would benefit more Texans. Accurate text books be damned, what's most important is politicians who don't want to be searched when traveling.
Nope, not weird at all as I too think the same. And I'm 44 and single.
I think it's misleading to say that minorities believe every instance of poor service is considered racism.
Supposed they have no history with the store? You suggest they have some history with the store without knowing this to be the case.
Ah, the difference is that what you described happens to people of color all the time.
You are not alone. I always wanted to go to one of her tapings, particularly one of her Favorite Things tapings.
If this is what she believes, then why bash it?