
You are BringeroftheOutloudGiggles today.

You need a baby zebra. I saw one here just minutes ago. Ha!

His way of functioning/coping with his issues isn't causing others harm. My view of functioning is partially formed by asking why it's acceptable for someone to focus on working out a ton, but not for this guy to dress as a baby.

@jenawithonen Earlier you wrote, " If you can't function properly without something (and I'm not talking like, "Oh man, I totally can't function in the morning before coffee!"), you need to take steps to balance yourself." My point was that plenty of people function just fine without things considered "normal"

@Dancingfrog and @LPSB

Who said his choice qualifies as an addiction? He seems to be functioning just fine regardless of people's views on how he should function.

What's so different from what this guy does and people who use alcohol, shopping, home decorating, sports, watching television, partying, drugs, etc to escape reality? Although he doesn't work, clearly there's some reality he doesn't want to face at times.

I can't promote you, but you did make me laugh.

Do you have more than one brother? An older one per chance??? Ahahah!

@Rooo sez BISH PLZ

@AndPreciousLittleofThat: And that was exactly what I thought. Be bold and tell us who you are so we can engage and find out more about why men of color make you feel "unwelcome".

I don't know if men would feel a similar level of shame. And now there's a show, Gigolos, for men who sell themselves for sex. There doesn't seem to be the same level of shame associated.

From some of the mafia cases I've read about plastic surgery does occur. IDK, the world seems very small these days. I would think really hiding from others who wanted to find you could prove difficult.

If our society didn't victimize women and children as it does I might agree with you.

Honestly, I'd tune in too because I'm curious about the witness protection program!

Thanks for giving me a new way to look at this, the prostitute vs being prostituted.

This show seems like such a bad idea on so many levels. And it's a show about women upset with the "stool pigeons" rather than their husbands and fathers who did the crimes.

@JLeTaxi: When you are neck deep in ignorance, hatred and proud ignorance this doesn't look so silly.

I'm sorry you think I'm blaming the victim's mother. I am not.