Bleh. I watched her interview him and when she called JT an "indian giver" I was out of there.
Bleh. I watched her interview him and when she called JT an "indian giver" I was out of there.
@borogirl: They found me. My mom told me about them very early on. My dad gave them his name and acknowledged them - me, nothing. It was hard for some of them to accept that the awesome dad they grew up with had a child he knew about and didn't ever acknowledge in any way.
@IamnotStarJones: Agreed. Where's the concern for all the kids NOT in movies or on tv that are being exploited?
@greatsheelephant: All three of mine want to sleep in my arms, on my legs, on my pillow.
@wonderwoahman: As someone who grew up knowing she had seven siblings who didn't know she existed, I'm going to say not everyone is looking for money.
@puddingcupbeard: I too hope he pulls it off for himself and his family - forget Hollywood.
I was happy for Ted to get publicity and a job offered, but worried that such sudden (and fleeting) fame would do more harm than good.
People who aren't in power always have to be able to read the emotions, wants, needs, boundaries of those IN power.
Jessica, thank you for making me laugh. That Mothra line is priceless.
@Tmoney02: I am bad at mowing the lawn. I am proud of this also.
Some guys have all the luck
@SisterMaryMartha: I have to say of all of them I like NeNe the best. And yes, she needs to bring it down a notch.
Or his pinkness.
@missbananafish: Yes, I'll have the Daniel entree and the Daniel side dish.
My brain keeps chanting, "It is fake fur."
@SarahMC: I don't feel trapped by my beliefs. My family allowed me to make my own choices, including attending church. It wasn't a smooth ride, but I won the right to make my own choice at 11 years old.
@TheFormerJuneBronson: And you beat me to it.
@sybann: I only expect perfection in others.
Is his tie short or is it me?
@UnSeelie...: I do too... as much as I hate to admit it.