
OMG. So I missed this article when it was first published. Today I said to a friend that the TRUE plot of Birdbox is that Black women rise up in revolt and collectively say “NOPE. NOT TODAY” and the world falls into chaos. That they have to avoid looking at us because we are showing our TRUE angry faces and the sight

I thought it was Brad who had referred to himself as boring. He did an interview where he said in the late 90’s early 00’s he was smoking too much and a burnout. That his life was boring. People took that as shade against Jennifer because they were married during the time he was referring to. 

When the press first showed up, he could’ve said “my daughter has her life and is a grown woman. I don’t want to comment publicly on her personal life other than to say I’m happy for her. I will not be granting any interviews”

This is unforgivable. They fresco’d Jeff. How dare they do this

Soooo... I guess that Charles isn’t using viagra?

Kylie looks like Khloe because they have the same mother, the same makeup artists, and the same plastic surgeon...

Me too. I got time. All summer long. 

I’m Black and Canadian... even I’m surprised when I meet Black people who aren’t from Toronto, Windsor, Montreal, or Nova Scotia.

Now playing

Unless you’re talking about her hair being the colour red, Michelle is White.

Plot twist:

I would say a fictional character only. I have a White friend who dressed up as Chris Tucker’s character from the Fifth Element. Full suit. Wig. It was so good it was like he had Chris’ actual wardrobe. But not a hint of a tan. I was impressed.*

So Kim,

I’ve read this twice. I am stunned. I’m judging all of them

I just spit out my coffee laughing. Thank you.

I’m honestly waiting to be surprised. Maybe because gossip blogs are my guilty pleasure, but not one man who has been outed as a predator has surprised me. ALL of these names have been whispered about for years.

Kevin Connolly is a long time member of Leo DiCaprio’s crew, sooooo yeah. You’re more than likely right.

But then they would just cast ScarJo and put her in old lady makeup...

Crazy Days and Nights has been talking about Sheen in blind items for YEARS.

Not all that uncommon on the Caribbean. It’s an Irish last name. I grew up with kids who had last names as first names because their parents liked the sound. Shayle. Radcliffe. Montgomery.

This requires more story. Context. Background. Pictures.