No Longer Suffering Saturn

What i see here is not similar looking cars, but cars with a completely different aero-concept. Toyota is directing the air over the very low body, while Porsche has a high body and airflow through the car. Similar differences can be seen at the rear. These cars are worlds apart if it comes to bodywork.

Nitpick follows. This is a palette.

Wasn't it Clarkson who said your automotive life isn't complete until you've owned an Alfa?

If this were the US they would bust out his window, throw a flash bang in his face, a 12 member SWAT team would be armed with assault rifles would drag him out, they would use a taser and pepper spray on him while hand cuffed, and then they would charge him with resisting arrest and assaulting an officer.

*sees headline*

If it sells like the Cayenne this will 100% save Lotus. Otherwise, Lotus is already on its way to meet Saab and Spyker in car heaven.

Jalopnik article 5 years from now:

>and has completely figured out the MyFordTouch in her new Escape!

This is how I know you're lying.

The Russian ruble is collapsing, crude oil prices are dropping, hackers can cancel the release of a movie with some vague threats, the recession continues. One small piece of the universe remains a constant. Somewhere, someone Swedish is stuffing a wholly inappropriate engine into a similarly inappropriate automobile.

My jimmies. They are rustled.

Yeah... I get it. Its super easy to make fun of Tesla and the perceived playthings of the rich they produce. But Tesla deserves way more credit than this article alludes to. Tesla is even now a TINY automaker with production that doesn't even make a blip on the radar compared to GM, Ford, Toyota and other major

You read my mind

You haven't lived until you've driven on 3/32s on snow and ice. Nobodies preference, but finances are what they are.

0/10, no frickin laser beam attached to sharks head

You must be new here.

I believe the working title is

A precision driving show starring you Mr. Orlove.

Yeah, that's even less than a typical Hollywood orgy

206 people does not a town make.

(puts duffel bag filled with cash on the desk)