No Longer Suffering Saturn

The extra heat doesn't bother the turbo, in fact it loves it because there is more energy that can be extracted from the exhaust stream and less wasted. Thermal management is a big deal, and i don't want to undersell it, but these turbos are highly refined units that are either ceramic or of a metallurgy that allows

Downey says, "Are you kidding? Before that, I didn't even have the GTI."

Thanks for not raising gas taxes in like 20 years Jersey :D

They need to get a photograph of the hole from the top and then have it printed life size and put in the floor under glass so that the sinkhole would at least look like it was still there.

I concur with the other posters and contribute the following artwork.

The original was a Cadillac hearse/wagon. This is a modern Cadillac wagon that also, for many reasons, is amazing in its own right.

Whaddaya know...Colin Chapman was right. :)

Talent beats money every time.

How tall are you? I'm 6'5" and most of the time my knees are already painfully pressed against an unreclined seatback. I 100% guarantee that your inability to recline isn't even a fraction as "uncomfortable" as when someone reclines into my knees.

It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than to drive a fast car slow.

Only true videophiles appreciate the subtle warmth and nuance that only a worn-out copy of Ghostbusters can offer when put through a vacuum-tube equipped CRT and all the vague a/v static that truly adds character to the filmmaker's vision.

The tracking, adjust the tracking!

Ah yes, using a tried and true method I often employ when playing racing games:

A 1950s-era submarine is basically useless against any modern navy

Wait factory widebodies or wide body factory?

"I don't like homogenization"

Then they are contributing to their own death, God bless them. With some folks, you can't fix stupid. Hey, it's a free country, right? I'll happily agree to everything NHTSA is asking for. In return, for the auto companies, I demand the following laws: No right to sue if drunk / drugs. No right to sue if seat

2nd Gear. If the government is serious about improving road safety don't place the blame on manufacturers, place it where it belongs - on drivers. Make obtaining a license so difficult that you can be reasonably certain only skilled people are behind the wheel. That includes basic car maintenance, what to do in if

This airbag issue has been quite the ODYSSEY. I feel as though manufacturers have a CIVIC duty to warn their customers of these known defects, and I'm glad HONDA has enough INSIGHT to PILOT such a program of their own ACCORD.

Manual for actual day-to-day on the road driving enjoyment, dual-clutch for shaving hundredths at your track day.