No Longer Suffering Saturn

As much as i'd love for these cars to be able to setup for drift,because they're plentiful and cheap, it's not practical financially even if the car can be had for dirt cheap. One, the solid rear axle, yeah yeah, it CAN be setup to drift, and there IS people that run cars with solid in the rear but the stock 10 bolt

FFS did I seriously type "two truck"? I obviously meant "tow truck" but that's some horrible proofreading on my part.

now you go home, your still drunk from last night

I think that it is relative. As the founder of one of the most innovative American companies, this would be par for the course for greatest dad. If he paid someone to put up a bitchin swing set using a bunch of money it wouldn't be impressive. Instead he used all his resources available to open his kids eyes to the

Six to seven hundred bucks for scrapping an old stolen Econoline? And with a fake ID I probably won't be caught? Why in the hell do I even bother with working?

While I'm not saying he isn't a great father, can we stop defining how great a parent is by how much they spend? Someone who doesn't have a lot of money could love their child even more, and do all kinds of things without spending a fortune, and be an even better father in my eyes.

I also hate people that let other people out of parking lots at stoplights. So, we've all been sitting there for 2-3 minutes, and some guy just pulls up from McDonald's parking lot. He's sat there for 15 seconds. You wave him out, he stops eating fries and finally goes, and the both of you finally get moving, and you

You missed the "polite" drivers that wave you through 4-way stops. No, you have the right of way. You're not being polite to one person, you're just adding confusion to an already annoying situation.

Worst ones are the Emergency Vehicle Lane STOPPERS.

$20 for a handy, $30 if we have to do it in your Cavalier.

I hate that meme with the power of a million burning suns, but I love the fact that crowdsourcing is sponsoring a nascar driver.

Am I the only one who thinks the cars should not be restored? Yeh maybe the couple that didn't get much damage, but the rest should be left as-is. On display the way they are. Us Americans always love to see a good car wreck, and I think these would be better to look at all crunched up. I'd never go to a Corvette

Sink Hole De Mayo.

King James Version (KJV)

Not enough land? Why not build up? Build parking spaces under the building. The Target I work at is built like that due to the limited amount of land on its plot. Even during the holidays, we run out of shopping carts long before parking spaces. I know this isn't a new concept, but this shouldn't be much of a problem

I don't hate rear-view cameras. They're useful. I hate spending money on things I don't need. I don't need a rear-view camera because I'm not an idiot.

Or Toyota did. They had a bulletproof image, then decided they needed to be this biggest and quality slipped. Now VW wants to be the biggest whether that means making money or not. Now, F-C wants to see what they can do to screw up their future as well. I guess it's a champagne problem being teetering on the edge of

Considering how busy car design has been lately, I wouldn't be surprised that in the future we'll have pillars with in pillars with in pillars (an A1A pillar, to be precise). Expect. to see it on any next gen Citroen ds.