No Longer Suffering Saturn

I surly do. Thank you for the correction.

a10 = p47 thunderbolt. Thunderbolts could take such a beating they could fly home with cylinders blown out of its massive rotary engine.

I can't think of a reason why we need a ship containing cvt transmissions unloaded.

I imagine some Acura's wish they didn't exist.

Mazda front ends are goofy but not award winning. That honor goes to Acura beak noses.

Soooo... Bring your fat friend?

Lots of Bond in there.

Panamera isn't a high volume car.

In the video of the crash someone in the background said it was a lambo

Have to admit that I'm not a big fan of the Miata, but if they build a coupe I'd buy one and save the protege5 for hauling the kids.

In construction areas where the lines will be temporary they use colored tapes. Like all tape they aren't especially fond on high heat and come loose.

More likely had some form of radio antenna imbedded in the glass.

So what you're saying is that we should reply now to get the coveted "followed by jalopnik" status.

That is only true if the captain has a tattoo on his penis.

Does it reach 88 mph? /joke..

Great place for a summer house but limited things to do on a weekend visit. I'm just tired of everyone ripping on Ohio.

May not be tropical, but Lake Erie certainly has its charms. Put in Bay (hopefully) pictured.

Paster just exited the pits and entered the corner offline then late braked. Gutierrez would have never seen him when he turned in. Even radio'd the team asking what happened.

Webber and Porsche may be the combo that derails the audi win train. I personally can't wait.

NE Ohio kindly wishes you to never return. Enjoy NJ.