No Longer Suffering Saturn

It got hit with a "DrivePorcsheIntoWetConcrete-Inator"

Yeah I think if I tried that I'd last 15 minutes before I got bored. No way I would make it 15 years.

I see an Aston grill with Lancer headlights.

There is one car in Cars 2 with its eyes in it's headlights, and it looks horribly out of place in the movie. Which is fine I prefer the eye in the windshield anyway. Look for it in the market scene in Italy, it's selling....headlights.

Word is he is fine, walked away from the car and is being monitored through the night to be safe.

I agree automotive designers should rule the world. I'd be a much happier car guy.

I know they don't build them but I like to think that they at least get to choose the concept of what they don't build.

You mean Jeremy. James made the weird Alfaab, front of an Alfa front of a Saab thing.

OK so not all good cars, but every person that would have bought one of those.....things, had to go a buy something that I would have taken interest in, driving up all the prices in the mean time.

Used car prices are up because cash for clunkers bought all of the good used cars and destroyed them.

I was actually going to suggest that myself.

I couldn't live with myself if I passed the miserable pile of plastic on to someone else.

Funny I have the exact opposite problem, my car DOES exist. Stupid saturn.

So the car is the same, it just has a new set of tires?

Has to shuttle kids around, as much as they would like it, it would be better if they couldn't see through the floor. Plus I want a newish Outback.

I've owned 4 cars in various states of rust and decay.

No, owning a Saturn doesn't reduce your ticket fines unfortunately.

Can we also have the option to have replies open when we load the comments? I liked that.

I want to see of video of it being used and best riot control weapon ever.

two things: this should be labeled under car porn and I hope it stays black all year, although I highly doubt it will.