
Look man, you wanna pick a fight with a Suzuki SX4, that's your business. I'd prefer not to play with fire.

They're on an aircraft carrier where every day is full of "fuck yea!" They're probably all awesomed out.

Slow news day?

I feel like I need to show this to my boyfriend so in the event we go to a Drake concert he's emotionally prepared for the fact that I will openly cheat on him and possibly get arrested should such a moment occur.


When in doubt, throttle it out...

But you can't have high and low pressure areas without air throwing. The two are 100% linked - the reason a wing produces lift is that it is accelerating the air it is going through towards the ground, that whole F=ma thing. Air is accelerated when there is a static pressure gradient, so in order to accelerate air

It appears this guy is butt hurt.