
They will be mine. Oh yes. They will be mine. Just preordered all 6 and I’m not even a big Funko Pop person. I am overhauling my game-room and have the perfect spot for these.

They will be mine. Oh yes. They will be mine. Just preordered all 6 and I’m not even a big Funko Pop person. I am

From the sounds of it it’s clothed pictures and written erotica too. Which is pretty ho hum as far as dirty business goes. 

People have been making that much money as professionals. All these people have done is cut out the middlemen and the gatekeepers. Power to them, I say.


I bet these “neighbors” have skeletons in their closets as well. How many are racist? Wife beaters? Alcoholics? Drug addicts?

People in glass houses should not throw stones.

ROFL...neighbors and parents “discovered” the site, huh? Any word on which dad or dads outed her to the rest? Jesus is fine with us LOOKING at OnlyFans,’s only the posters who need to be kicked out. You couldn’t pay me to send my kids to a Catholic school. 

I approve of the idea that Darcy’s primary source is like Thor drunk dialing her.

D’arcy knows WAY too much about the private details of Infinity War and other movies, and the only way she could is if sometime during the five years Thor drunkenly showed up at her place and told her EVERYTHING and that’s my headcanon now.

It's interesting how this week's commercial implies that the people on the outskirts of town are wasting away towards death. Just as the kid stranded on the island can't open the yogurt and starves to death, the inactive people can't feed or care for themselves and are slowly dying.

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

It isn’t about what they deserve. We deserve a racist-free military and racist-free police departments.

Just gather them altogether in the parade ground, shout Heil Hitler, and see how many of the motherfuckers raise their hands and shout it back. Then have them shot. The next week do the same thing, but shout The South Shall Rise Again...

MAYBE if they discharged every Centurion with racist tattoos

Holy crap, I was about to purchase those classes. I actually had it in my schedule to buy them. Nope, no more. Same goes for other mommy influencers like Ellen Fisher. Supporting fascism is unacceptable.

We were given the password to one of the courses - she’s got this wily psychopath vibe that makes this information not at all surprising.

It kills me that they went with “Paramount Plus” instead of “Paramount on Demand”. They could have had the acronym “POD” for their service, and affectionately called their subscribers “podlings”!

Morgoth ~ Satan/Lucifer

Morgoth was the most evil threat to Middle Earth. He was the first of the Ainur who rebelled against Iluvater. He was the one who led other gods or angels astray. He was the one who caused the rebellion of the Noldor and was responsible for kidnapping, torturing, and corrupting Elves until they became Orcs. Sauron was

Cant spend any money setting up your own hosting system I guess. Bootstraps don't exist.

We’ve reached out to Amazon for comment on... all of this, and will update the piece when we hear back.