
My friend, it is clear you have not seen this movie and are basing all your assumptions on the hyperbole of disappointed fans. So let's see if I can help you out a bit.

I love that clip because people seem to love data when it comes with sports, but not when it comes to really important things, like climate change.

But I'll still wait for the extra guacamole edition

good thing super streetfighter 5 championship ex-alpha burrito supreme edition will be out on ps4, xbone, ios, 3ds, and 3DO about 3 months after release

This. Our government is specifically made to be a system of checks and balances, where the three branches work together to create laws that are in the best interests of the nation. Congress is supposed to be representative of the people and what is best for them - Obama really shouldn't even be directly involved in

So many men don't want women earning real money because all these guys have to offer is earning power. If women as a whole could close the wage gap, these clowns would have to come to the table with good personalities, good looks, a certain weight/ height, etc. You know, all the shit that women are required to have in

I can't get over how ridiculously good the water looks (and everything else, really), even on the last gen consoles.

Yes, but did the medical examiner *watch the tape?* Because Jojofriends did! Also, googled "asthma attack," so really, how could you possibly be more prepared to weigh in on this matter than Jojofriends is?

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.

You "feel bad" you murdered someone? You "feel bad" ?! I "feel bad" I dropped by toast this morning and that I left my lunch in the fridge at home yesterday. You murdered someone and you escaped justice. Fuck you.

It's a Hula Girl outfit. She's a dancer, apparently. It's actually an interesting twist, I thought. She's so...happy, and chipper. Think about all the other ghost fighters you face. Either crazy old women, or hagrid, insane look in their eyes, and here we have Phoebe. Pleasant, perky, friendly, with a big smile on her

Pokemon. Officially creepier and scarier than Resident Evil has been in nearly a decade.

i bet you wrote that comment with both hands too

I definitely didn't click on this article because the redhead in the header image piqued my interest.

The kicker? Everyone in London has a French accent.

They did a new IP, Watch Dogs. It was really boring.

Deal with it.

Australia, its like Indiana but a country.