
I originally was excited for Type -0 when I read a while back ago that it was "A dark Final Fantasy" but then it was coming to the PSP which I didn't have so I skipped out. Fast forward to today and it's a slightly updated version with the upcoming demo? Count me in. I think I can get around the pronouns and confusion

Took a few tries to start my own Friend Only lobby in GTA:O but once I got it, everyone seemed to have no issues joining me. Played the tutorial heist and had a blast. Can't wait to get into the more complex ones.

I seem to be in the minority but I enjoyed the hell out of GTA V's gameplay and story way more than GTA IV.

Surely that has to be worth investing some hope into. As in, "I hope they finish XV-2 before my great grandchildren die of old age, peacefully in their beds."

That's exactly how I felt during the public beta. I could see that it wasn't a terrible game, just didn't wow me...kind of how I expected it to based on previous knowledge of the game.

Is anyone actually surprised that Godus, a Molyneux game, is having issues?

My Destiny play sessions are essentially this now:

How quickly the AI goes from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds is definitely what makes it hilarious. Myself and a few of my friends act the same way in GTA:O when things escalate with fist fights > melee weapons > guns > rockets

Payback SOS. I am not a fan of high RoF/Low Impact weapons but heeeeeey free stuff is free alright alright alriiiiiight!

I'm not...even sure... how you came to that conclusion...? At no point did I say, "My girlfriend can't play this game nor has the capacity to play because she's a female." I think you're reaching really hard there, pal.

That's insane. I haven't done the Crotas End raid yet, that's really nice. I'm a little jealous.

I'm not a fan of the multi-changing stages. I can do static stages with a moving object in it like the Mario Kart stage but the new Fox stage, for example, is just too much. When most of my attention is spent on the obstacle course and not the actual fight, then I knock it out of rotation.

Just last night we created her name tag in Smash and I'm thinking that will help but by the time I thought of that we had already stopped for the evening. She's still in her character discovery stage. She has done relatively well with Pikachu and Peach.

Black Hammer? I've been out of Destiny for a little while. Is that a new one that dropped with the Dark Below DLC or is that another one?

;) Fair point.

Wouldn't you want something like Icebreaker then?

Good advice! I think my mistake was starting with the bar "too high" so to speak. Definitely will lower it and build her up. She's interested so now I think it is only a matter of time.

This is pathetic. I shouldn't be surprised by now but... sigh

I'm thinking that may be the best course of action. I'll give that a shot with her and see how things go.

I've been trying to get my girlfriend to play Smash Bros with me (She's all about Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros U) but it has been a challenge for her. Just last night she made a comment about how things were moving too fast, she couldn't keep track of where she was at, and too much was happening on the screen