
Very welcome. I was interested to see how much more modern his swing was compared to the old style Cobb had. Totally different baseball philosophies.

Now playing

This is a little long, but a good view on a (probably) home run swing.

They go from 0-100mph in aroundish 0.8 seconds and are hitting about 280 in 660 feet.

Interesting cross section: Sir Paul, Nile Rodgers, Ryan Adams, Jenny Lewis, Jamie Foxx, Miranda Lambert and maaaayyyybe Marcus Miller in the hat in the back?

Now playing

I was never a nervous flyer until I was flying all the time for work. I had one BAD BAD BAD flight from Phoenix to Minneapolis that almost made me swear it off forever...until I had to get on the smaller ERJ ten minutes later to get back home. I still fly often, but I guess I'm a little bit of a control freak and I

Speaking of...

Carroll does his impression of the Baldwin poop celebration, but in a sad way.

Gather 'round good people, gather 'round! Do you suffer from aches, pains, arthritis and other forms of malady that bring you discomfort and woe? Feast your eyes upward and see here what my hand holds! This small bottle holds the answer to all your pains! I represent the good Doctor B.S. Crappum and his elixir is

"Jeff Hostetler is the greatest I ever seen."

"C'est fini!"

I feel bad for Pete Carroll's gum, because it is getting destroyed.

They had no Arn Anderson to run in and bust up the face with a chair in order to get the DQ, either.

Daniel: "Oh boy, this is so much fun!"

GMC... bring back da Jimmy!

Yes! We do it old-country way!

Thought of another...