
I like to recommend the grey posts. It's my act of rebellion.

It can be super hard around here sometimes. Like GT is only a wish in a far away land for grey ole me.

I feel you, sister. I am starting to feel like it's personal.

I hate being a grey.



Half-black, half-white, with bright red curly hair and freckles. I was just asked "What are you?" yesterday as a young white woman began pawing my hair on the metro.

Not true. Victims don't "press charges". Only law enforcement"presses charges" and they can do so whether the victim wants them to or not. This is a major pet peeve of mine because on tv it always seems like the victim's choice but that really isn't how our law enforcement system works. You are prosecuted by the

The thing is, when a dude is overly concerned with making his ladyfriend come, more often than not I think this falls into the "sex as a competitive sport" type of thing where dudes are on a giant GQ or Maxim moderated score board, where it's not about the woman's pleasure so much as about the man's status as a "good

if men didn't mope away when I didn't have one. (Note: this is not a bad thing, that men are concerned with my pleasure.


Amanda Plummer is going to be so perfect for this role. Don't believe it? Watch her episode of Law & Order: SVU where she plays a schizophrenic rape victim. HEARTBREAKING BUT ALSO INCREDIBLE.

Now playing

That's Pudge, of fame. :)

Excuse me, what is cookie butter? I need to know.

Corgis are ridic - their ears don't perk up until they're several months old. Sometimes you have to "tape" them to train them to stand up. :)

I can just picture some sad guy thinking, "First they came for the birth control, and I didn't speak out because I had no uterus. Then they came for the abortions, and I was silent because ibid. But then they came for the blowjobs and the buttsex and there was no one left to speak for me."


Well, Mr. Filner, I'm a ball-kicker, it's just what I do, I'm sorry if you take offense at that. I'll try harder to show more self-awareness when I'm out there, kicking balls. SEE YOU SOON :)))).