
I've stated elsewhere on this page why I think it's silly. I agree with ZephyMourne.

It is impossible that the value of the dollar could change in the future isn't it? It's never happened before has it? No country has ever, or will ever, change its currency, purposely alter the value of a unit of currency or ever remove zeros from its currency ever, have they?

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is everything that's wrong with nerds and geeks, and I say that as a nerd and a geek.

What makes you think that it would take so long to kill you? What do you think happens when you breath 3% CO2? You stop expelling CO2 because there is no gradient for it flow down and you'll build up deadly levels within minutes.

I don't think it's meant to be accurate. It's like saying "we're 100s of miles from home" when you're on holiday on another continent.

The drive home today took an aeon.

I see a lot of people moaning about the CO2 issue. They didn't say it would cause suffocation, which is the deprivation of oxygen, but that it would be toxic, which it would.

Your argument is sound. However, although I haven't read the original study and can't say for sure, that is exactly the kind of confounding factor that is usually accounted for.

Hmmm. I thought Flame was the most complex malware ever, much more so than SN?

You don't sedate someone if you're doing an RSI on them, you anaesthetise them. And you do it BEFORE you give the sux, and do it well! Why?

That's a lead ball though. But rifling technology is still rifling tech even if the materials and methods have been improved.

Can you though?

What absolute nonsense.

I think it's telling that the US and UK trailers are so different. It's like people in the US (and I don't like to generalise but bear with me) have a shorter attention span/are more fickle and so need to know.

Yes, America invented everything.

That's all it is. Sometimes I don't get stories on Gawker sites; presenting the mundane as something special or the old as the new.

This isn't lego, it's just toys.

Unnecessary. Rolling and tying is much simpler and cheaper.

I'm beginning to wonder why people want to see/read all these spoilers (I've skipped all the content btw).

Why are all aliens disgusting beast-like creatures, that behave in a totally merciless animal manner, and yet have uber tech.