
If you drink enough soda to need to know this then you've got bigger problems than time management.

So you worked in a foundry too? And you seem to be judging the "hardness" of a job by its physical discomfort, and I beg to differ.

They look fine to me. I actually like that they are so minimal. I'd wear them.

Well I opted in and got my report. How much web history do they hold on me? None, because I turned it off.

Actually there are usually smoking "shelters" - designated smoking areas. Some people use them, usually all of the staff who smoke, but a lot of patients and relatives don't.

Oh zing! The Gawker set of pages still don't work properly for me. I'm only using Chrome. You know, that really unpopular browser that it's not worth coding for. :p

You've just highlighted everything that is wrong with the Eowyn vs. the Nazgul fight.

The funny thing is - I WANT all my Google stuff linked. I want to be able to log in on my desktop and get directions from my house to one of my contacts on Google Maps, on the computer, without having to type the address in.

What a load of old sensationalist nonsense. I'm seriously starting to worry about Giz. If I want to search anonymously there is a thing called an anonymous tab. And I don't log into my Google account outside work because why would I? - My phone is logged in.

It's not that hard to use. You are using the widgets, yes?

Wait, can't you just turn the preference off? And if so is it really worth getting in a tizz over this when you're still only hurting yourself?

Yes, but where can I get one?

Yes, but Google+ photos can now be linked to Picasa, and besides - you say "Google+ is hardly the first place I want to store all my photos". Why not? And what about at Picasa?

This is great. Whatever happened to Joe Cornish?

Wondering the same thing. Can the iPhone not do the same without this extra bit?

I've only had a problem once, on my HTC Sensation, but never on my Nexus One. Unless it's really bad weather.

So I went ahead and essentially recreated this (different pic but still...) and although it looks lovely it's incredibly impractical.

I'll be honest - I don't get the whole deal with tethering apps or rooting your phone. I have a Nexus One (retired) and a NTC Sensation. I can tether my netbook or my Xoom by default. Neither phone is rooted, nor do I have a specific tethering app.

Do we know for sure that this is set in the past? They may be exploring earlier tech than in Alien but I get the impression that this takes place after Alien 3 - a search to find out what the hell was going on on LV-426 that leads them to another planet?