I played this at Gamefest a few weeks ago. It was really poor - the gfx, the mechanics, the combat. It's not going to do well regardless of the plot.
I played this at Gamefest a few weeks ago. It was really poor - the gfx, the mechanics, the combat. It's not going to do well regardless of the plot.
No Taiwan? Pfffft. Taiwan beats London for bad traffic any day. Choose your city, no matter.
Or being dumb, er, I mean naive.
What wait when now?
You should see number 1. It's actually pretty good.
Yeah, as with so many series the first film was the only one worth watching and is actually a pretty dark and effective horror. Does the novella justice.
No they haven't. Up til now they've all been garbage. Point me to one that is anywhere near as awesome as this. They've all been disappointing so far because either the effects, the acting or the logic of the tech has been nonsense.
Surely no one is that dumb.
Yes, yes, but does it have the "Come to Me" track by Brad Fiedel (or a suitable cover) in it?
Ah, but they also make Android phones, and some of the best ones at that. What if all the companies that Apple is giving crap said "Screw you Apple, you're being an arse" and stopped dealing with them? Potentially this could hurt Apple a lot and if, for example, Samsung sold more Galaxy products (phone and tablets)…
Welcome to last week Kotaku.
Too many Tara haters. Yeah she got annoying in Season 2 but she's actually pretty cool and one of the few people with a level head on her. Plus when her and Lafayette get together only comedy gold comes out of their mouths.
Probably a third language on top of the 2 they speak, Mr Polyglot. If you can't speak 2 languages perfectly you're an asshole. Oh wait, you are even if you can.
I don't have ads in my gmail and I don't have anything else installed. No ad blockers, just speedial2.
Not at all.
Works fine with Windows 7 and Chrome.
My favourite is MS Office stuff. I'm a computer geek to my friends so somehow this makes me an Office expert in their eyes. I don't use Office, get lost.