
It appears to me that he's just a huge Texas Longhorns fan.

Somewhere in Bangladesh, Phil Knight is pimp slapping the shit out of some 11 year old workers over this.

I don't see what the big deal is. I explode in my wife's shoes all the time.

"For the record, I am no snooper. It's just not my style. I was only curious, just wondering what he'd been up to. I have nothing to hide and assumed he didn't either."

You don't get it do you? Sure in an a large economic area where choices abound, your invisible hand bull shit might work. But what about a small town? The private ambulance doesn't have to help you, your pharmacist doesn't have to help you, your auto mechanic tells you to fuck off, etc. this is what libertarians don't

How bout a bill that allows you to provide or deny service to anyone for any reason. You know, a bill that let's you run a business.

I can easily ski 10K - even if I was dead last I could at least say I finished. This guy didn't even attempt to ski. What a loser.

The headline is a little harsh, the refs aren't the ones ruining the games if they are going by the book, as you say.

"At least he's not gay."

I'm curious, did they ride in on this literal storm like Zeus, or have they developed weather control technology and bombarded the league offices with thunder and lightning until ownership was ceded to the club?

sure thing, brah. right after i get done spitting on your sisters ******* and sliding my **** into her ****. hope this bitch brought the plastic sheets!

Someone ought to shit in his mouth for misspelling please like that.

That's exactly the WRONG way to think about this. You can't measure this in a relative way to other locker rooms. This is awful behavior. No one, in any capacity, should ever have to put up with this shit.

Thanks, Deadspin. It's been a while since I got to see two girls finish at the same time for free online.

'Pipe Drag's Too Slow; 'Boarders Not Getting High.

Now playing

The problem is that Russians are misunderstood. Why, Roberto Carlos was offered bananas TWICE by Russian soccer fans who were concerned about his nutrition, and look how he responded. It was a gift, FFS! Ingrate.

This'll deal a devastating blow to Russia's reputiation as a bastion of diversity, tolerance, and civility.

I also don't understand why everyone is hating on this guy. He's winning, and as long as he isn't cutting his opponent's buzzer cords, he's fine.

Greatest nickname ever. "The Pillsbury Throwboy"

Having a QB the caliber of Jared improves not only the River Monsters, but league as a whole.