
Walmart released a statement apologizing for this misunderstanding. Those were meant as a Christmas bonus to their workers. Annual protein bonus.

Nope. This is my district and we are repped by one of the most progressive members of congress, Jan Schakowski. Unless she announced a retirement I didn't hear about, challenging her is a losing proposition. That's why the GOP candidates are always totally nuts — the establishment won't touch this race.

"She said she believes God controls the weather and has put tornadoes and diseases such as autism and dementia on earth as in response to gay rights and legalized abortions."

It'sa me! Your Supplier

I clicked on this story expecting Juan Pablo to have appeared as a guest and willing participant in this bit. I am dissapoint.

Can he invent a game where we get to throw Megyn Kelly at Anne Coulter?

Never trust a chipper in the woods.

"Thatta way, old buddy. Fuck Smokey the Bear."

Can we please do away with the term 'gifted'? It sounds so effing pretentious.

Where's Kit Cloudkicker when you need him?

Oh sure, but when I dress up in a furry costume and grab a small white girl in Utah, it's all FBI this, and Amber Alert that.

You know, I'm not a huge fan of the Gawker-style hand-wringing over anything with the slightest hint of non-PC, but this is a really odd issue for you to go to the mats over. It seems pretty clear that "thug" gets thrown around, especially in sports media, to describe black people doing something "undesirable"

I think you're missing the context. They're saying he's articulate for a black. So, you know, totally copacetic.

This one is easy. Accuse someone unjustly of gangsterism and violence because you don't like their attitude. You may not like Sherman but he's done nothing to deserve those sorts of accusations. I don't hear the same accusations flying around about Riley Cooper when he threatened to fight all the niggers, even though

This is Regressing, where the import of data are discussed. It is not the isolated use of the word that is interesting, it is the huge spike in its usage. Nobody is saying that you don't have a right to say the word "thug," just that the huge increase in its usage requires explanation. There is a gap between the

Are you aware that anybody who equates black people with "hip hop culture" (something you clearly know little about, by the way) and refers to the "black community" is clearly not qualified to talk about the subjects at hand?

You know what other word was used a lot yesterday? "Articulate." As in, "You know, once he calmed down and did his traditional post-game interview, Richard Sherman was very articulate!" which is fucking horrible in its own right.

Pretty sure he ended up crucified actually

Travelling or not, she still drives a hell of a lot better than Laura Bush.

Idk, maybe the whole salutatorian of his high school class thing. Stanford doesn't hurt.