
Exactly. I like to ask people if they think the aborted fetus goes to hell. If yes, wtf, and if no, then why are they condemning the possible fetus soul to being trapped into sin later and going to hell? Either you really believe that heaven is real, or you admit that you are full of mean-spirited bullshit.

I don't see mention of this here, so I'll add it. One of the most dangerous times in an abusive situation is often when she leaves. That can be the trigger that sets him off on a killing spree, or just her death. In comparison, staying can seem like the safer choice.

Yes, this. As sketchy as a fair experience might be, the organizers are probably trying very hard to market their event as wholesome, family-friendly, etc. and handing out porn cards does not fit in with this image. They would never give him permission to do this in a million years, no matter how he tried to buy a

This is true. I'd be dead without the surgery, slowly and painfully starved to death by my own body. I've largely come to terms with it at this point, but I still remember how I wanted to die when I was in the hospital trying to mentally adjust to my new normal. It's an improvement to the other option, but it will

And meanwhile, we complain about unemployment rates. Maybe if companies stopped expecting one person to do the work of two people, we could hire some folks and create work/life balance for an all around healthier, happier society.

Hang in there, and remember that depression is often a "side effect." Don't be afraid to talk about this side of your struggle when you talk to your doc. Everything is so much harder when your mind is actively joining forces with your body to sabotague your health.

I lived in fear, too, and when the time came, my then-fiance, now husband, was never anything but supportive and awesome. To the right person, it's not that big of a deal. If they are only attracted to you for your perfectly unmarred abdomen, then run. Most of the hangups and embarrassment in relation to sexytimes

Wow. This story, and the comments, are just hitting me in all the feels. I've had Crohn's for almost 25 years and I've lived with a bag for a decade. When I was sick it was like I was sick for 15 years, constantly. Then I got the bag and healed up and it was a fucking miracle to not feel like death on a stick all the

Oh, punctuation, you wily scamp.

I'm just finding extremely hard to believe that places where they might have things like war lords, lack of clean drinking water, famine and/or tribal justice are somehow managing to pull off paid maternity leave. Also, I could swear that's what they said on NPR this morning.

I could be wrong, but I think the phrase you want is "first world countries," not all the countries.

Oh, good, something new to haunt my nightmares...

Anyone else see the Joie (?) dress from Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series when they see that? That was the first thing I thought of.

Depending on the weather wherever you are, I recommend going out and buying a ginormous (lightweight) jacket or hoodie, something you can zip up. XXL or whatever it takes. I am currently wearing this and camouflaging the shit out of my pregnancy, depending on where I'm at or who I'm dealing with. A lot of people are

LOL, troll, ok, whatever. I honestly can't see a comment of mine that your comment is in response too, so I will just continue on my merry way and we can all stay confused.

Well, _I_ think she's lovely. (could be biased)

Beats me. Is this in reply to something I said? I think you need to redirect at someone else.

"Importantly, patients receiving higher care intensity in the last six months of life do not have lower mortality rates compared to those receiving lower intensity care."

If not, there should be soon!

Probably because when they go to look up some of these fuckers, they find out they're 13-year-old boys. Not all, for sure, but they just sound SO clueless, that my immediate theory is "they're like children." Which is still pretty messed up, of course.