x-wings can’t melt steel beams
x-wings can’t melt steel beams
Dude, he’s polled his 3 friends so that’s an accurate cross sample okay?
There is a difference between taking one or two week hiatus with only making 10 chapter per year in a weekly magazine (40 week hiatus per year).
*grabs troll food*
Ugh ... I really hope you’re just being funny. If not, drop the elitist attitude.
The word you’re looking for, heathen, is connoisseur. You’re a gamer. I’m a video game connoisseur.
If a game was permanently locked to 30 FPS, with no way to change it, it would have to be one helluva game for me to purchase it. 30 FPS simply looks godawful. I recalls someone on the forums recently stating Witcher 3 problems could be solved by locking the game at 30 FPS, so I did that, and immediately wondered who…
I’m surprised with the opposition to the Framerate police. More information is always a good thing and what they do allows people to whom it matters (which is of course not everyone. Some people are still perfectly happy with their 15” CRT TVs too) to easily see what kind of performance they can expect from the games…
“For some gamers, anything less 60 FPS can feel clunky or even uncomfortable.”
Take it from a dev: 60 fps is NOT a gold standard, but an ideal to aspire to.
The need to support lower-end machines and mid-level machines are often what smothers the dream. I’m looking at all you fucking Bobs who somehow managing to run a top flight strategy game on fucking intel integrated graphics (and then crying…
If you’ve played Counter Strike, you’d know this isn’t dumb luck. Most high level CS play is map awareness and enemy awareness (knowing when enemies are going to be in certain places) based on practicing on the same maps over and over. Plus he needs to have extremely good aim to know exactly where to place his cursor…
That would be sexist dont you know!
Or it’s just a really fun game even when the hitboxes were a little off.
Care to post your spending history for the last month for us?
Why would you ever spend $60 on a digital weapon skin? In a game that isn’t even free to play no less.
So you had a Harem of your own with ridiculously good lookin girls?
Last time anyone tried something like that, it led to Australia...