
If you’re capable of being ‘profoundly disappointed’ by HK, then just avoid everything else forever. Because that’s a level of ‘eh this isn’t for me’ that stretches beyond reasonable criticism to the point that it isn’t worth the risk for people to suggest things to you to try.

I mean, I get you, but also every other sporting event has its results posted immediately. So, I guess I’ll say “If you don’t want spoiled, don’t go places where it could be.”

maybe dont hit up a news site that reports on the event?

He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.

You sad little fuck. I am not an enormous fan of TB but he is a massive figure in gaming and no one deserves to suffer like he did. You are and will remain nothing for your entire life.

And where are all these fictional people telling you to “yiff in hell and die”?

If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?

I don’t think she’s any type of official, so I wouldn’t call it censorship. Me telling some guy to shut up or else is one thing, a government official or officer of the law telling someone to shut up or else is another.

When 85% of KaceyTrons stream is her boobs, there should be no surprise those words are common. You cant even see the game play, you just see cleavage.

I know right? When can we get back to the montage of awesome explosions and pedestrian murder sprees from Grand Theft Auto and away from this sick murder crap.

I hate people who use the term cultural appropriation. There is no such thing. A culture should be celebrated, it is the way the world views the people of a certain area. People dressing like people of another culture is them appreciating your culture. I am Native American and Italian, if you want to dress in a

Anyone else getting kinda worried about this game? I feel like it might fall quite short of the hype around it.


You know SJW is a derogatory term tho right? It’s like being accused of white knighting.

I’m not quite sure what makes his comment “holier-than-thou.” All he said is that he won’t be buying it. He didn’t say anything about looking down on anyone who does, or were you just trying to meet the “holier-than-thou” quota of 2 for the comments section (4 if you count me).

easy there kiddo, he’s right. CSGO skill ceiling is way higher than Overwatch. As much as I love O.W. CSGO puts it to shame. :3

It’s a direct copy of one of the artworks used in the PnP RPG sourcebooks. Incidentally, which makes you more uncomfortable, that she’s wearing lingerie or that she’s a mass murderer?

Can they be changed to Apache Attack Helicopters? If not then I’m not represented and am 110% triggered.

Cool as this sounds, the level and degree to which they’ve modeled on Dark/Demon Souls, down to UI components and Victory titleplates, makes wonder if this was just an experiment to see how much they could fringe on Copyright or IP before they got in trouble.