Citadel was a damn fine surprise. I still love you, Bioware.
Well, I got Ni no Kuni and an MTG booster pack, as well as enough sugary items to kill a dentist. So pretty excellent all around.
I just played through Gone Home last night. Damn good game, and I would take just about any excuse to play it again, so this gets my full support.
But can it properly do tessellation on Lara Croft's hair?
Dat music.
You and what army, bitches. Mario is going to fuck you up if you kill his Toads.
Jeez Bob, branch out, maybe do a parallelogram?
Such epic. Much blockage. Wow.
I feel like tool-less drivebays should be a requirement these days. Looks as cramped as my laptop.
Welp, I'm at...level 3.
One Piece?
Go forth, all ye anime lovers. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood awaits. Blu-ray is sexy.
Just when I was forgetting about the Harlem Shake....
I think it's really just his personality. He acts similarly in his vlogs and in videos with his girlfriend. He just pushes it to the max when it comes to gameplay vids.
PewDiePie's new Dark Souls playthrough is funny as hell. I don't watch a lot of his stuff, but I find it pretty entertaining when I do.
Well, I know what I am. I walk around talking like the doge meme.