The black 3DS XL page at says its not available in store OR online.
The black 3DS XL page at says its not available in store OR online.
I'm planning on picking up one at Target tomorrow. I don't usually get gaming stuff there, but all 3DS XL's are on sale for $175. Including the new Black/Black.
That remains to be seen, as I will be picking up a black 3DS XL when it comes out on the 11th.
Well that was...stimulating
Yes, a qunari option will be interesting for sure. Hopefully they will consider it.
I try to closely role-play my character, and I always feel like I can't really connect with a dwarf character. I have been thinking about replaying Origins though, so maybe I'll try it out.
I personally always play as a human race in games where race options are given. Not sure why, but maybe I should try to branch out for Inquisition.
If you don't think these motherfuckin' badass Pokemon memes are the fuckin shit, you can get your pussy ass off this motherfuckin webpage.
Cue the weeping of the multitude of gamers who won't be going. Like *sobs* me.
Why the hell not? Some people like a certain type of visuals better, and have the skills to remake a game like that. So they do it, and more power to them.
Having a zombie dwarf companion in Dragon Age like the one above would be seriously badass. Put those Darkspawn to shame.
I've been wanting to watch Samurai Champloo, I just need to pick up a Blu-Ray player.