
Fantasy armor on a female that actually covers the body, providing protection? DAAAAAAAAAMN

Don't need no power suit to be a badass.

Anyone know of plans for it to come to the PS4?

The mage classes especially felt a bit over powered at higher levels, but overall I felt the combat stayed engaging and fun. Too bad the studio went bankrupt, as a sequel expanding on the existing ideas would have been excellent.

I have been considering a second playthrough, as many of the sidequests are brilliant. You make a good point as to the writing of the game.

Buy it. The main storyline is not terribly exciting, but the combat is worth the purchase alone.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is seriously underrated as an RPG. Admittedly, the main storyline is rather stale fare, but the gameplay is fantastic. And it has tons of content and some cool side quests.

Valar Morghulis

Jennifer Lawrence in anything sounds good.

I'm only gonna break break, bu break break your heart

Condensed version: Go buy Red Dead Redemption, not this. You will thank me later.

I really need to buy Halo 4...I have played every other Halo game, but have never been all that excited for 4. But it looks so sexy.

The Outsider was here.

You shall not pass!!!

Shine bright like a Ouya


Rocco DeMaro's Side Mission Briefing, on GT. Super funny, plus he has a consistent lineup of awesome guests, like Tina Amini.

Should have brought a bigger sword....

Notice the fang discoloring, indicating a perhaps excessive diet of rotund plumbers with an affinity for the color red.

It's not good when compared to the original TV show. Or when compared to any good film, really.