Surely not! This equal experience for console and PC gamers.
Could work with the 8-Bit version as well
That gif is slightly disturbing...but I have the strange urge to do it myself
Shit just got real. He is even wearing the official t-shirt. *Begins working on moves*
Some dayz I think the same thing.
Good point...but no X-Bone for meeeeee
$59 really isn't a bad price to add on later if the tech turns out to be cool and useful. I would totally pick it up if it adds a layer of depth to my gaming without being gimmicky.
The words to activate planetbuster: "This is how you share used games on the PS4"
Frankly, not that big of a concession. PS4 still wins, hands down.
More steampunk is always good. Now for some new Dishonored, please?
I not sure if any entry in the Assassin's Creed games will captivate me like Brotherhood did. Rome just felt so real and fully realized, and it really felt like Ezio's homeland, something he wanted to fight for. Even with lots of new gameplay, if Black Flag doesn't have personality for its locations, its not going to…