
It's probably pretty lame that I'm just hoping that they somehow stumble into my neighborhood while filming in DC.

@Lindy Hop: It's in Shoreline, which is basically in Seattle. Charter schools in Washington State are the shit.

@dialing_footnoterphone: Don't worry - we all fall in the silly rom-com trap from time to time. As long as you still recognize/critique the stereotype and generally offensive oversimplification that they are, I maintain that it's perfectly acceptable to rom-com it up from time to time.

It's so amusing to me that this question comes up. If a man didn't want to have kids there would be practically no question, but because it's a woman (or, in this case, a couple) suddenly it's this huge turn-biology-on-its-head moment.

As someone who is frequently viewed as completely together and is not, I kinda sympathize. That said - I doubt this is a widespread issue. Maybe the author needs to sort through the reasons why she's balled up under a desk before she tries to get involved with someone?

@H_is_for_Heretic: Yeah, seriously. Why is it always a "walk of shame" for women? Sometimes I feel damn triumphant!

This would have been way more fun if they left the cats in the store and filmed unsuspecting shoppers getting attacked as they opened drawers and such...

"It literally just rocked the whole neighborhood. You could feel that explosion going right through you."

@mosaiclobster: Good luck! I wish I had the guts to propose an idea like that to my boyfriend...

Love. Although the shoes did throw me a bit.

As a woman raised by a scary conservative father (far more so than John McCain), I sympathize with Meghan McCain.

Ever since I had to pee in a toilet swimming with maggots in Nigeria I've stopped caring about the little things...

When will people realize that women are worth believing?

Someone should attend a class on how to act like a professional...

Sometimes I wonder how much pressure is too much pressure. I mean, physical violence is obviously horrible and manipulative, but what about other pressures?

Loooove it! As someone who recently chopped her hair (again), I fully encourage others to do the same. So much fun!

@SpicyCheeto: I agree - it's nice to keep options open. While I would have been open to anyone living on my floor, I know a lot of women who would not have felt as "at home" if there were men on our floor.