
Punished? For pointing out that all the noms are men? I’m sure those men are rocking themselves to sleep tonight at the fact that they were correctly identified as men.

I won’t argue with that...this is at best a general guideline but you should know your dog and the breed information is just one piece of that puzzle. I might use something like this if I’ve never owned a dog in a cold weather climate before

There is a scale underneath the color code descriptions that give plus and minus values based on dogs breed, cold weather acclimation and presence of precipitation.

yeah im thinking the small percentage of Trumpers that try to read this will not make it past the first paragraph

Being a lol fan i’m aware of tyler and his antics but i spent some time looking at his twitch clips to see what hes been up to in his ban time. I’d say about a third of the clips are pretty much him just screaming like an animal. I don’t like it and I don’t want to like it. I’ve become Grandpa Abe Simpson

Im sure Disney already has the animated show / “star wars story” mocked up to do this.

like it was pulled directly from SNL’s black jeopardy

im a 30 yr old man and going through a rough patch right now and Yoda’s speech to Luke about failure being the greatest teacher had me full on balling. This movie hit me right in the feels alot

Is it a cop out though? Snoke was clearly blinded by Hubris in that moment. Does he have amazing power? Sure. But that power comes with concentration and skill. He felt indomitable in those last moments. Toying with Rey while she tried to face him directly whilst also musing about manipulating his apprentice whom he

Why didn’t Holder immediately place herself in a position the screen the Resistance transports as soon as they started getting fired on or, at the very least, immediately nuke the attacker?


This is my problem with the argument. He’s trying his hardest to win. Its not like hes inting. What if he picks something else and is so bad he throws the game? Wouldn’t you want someone to pick their best champ instead of picking something meta that he has no idea how to play?

you deserve far more stars than kinja will allow me to give

fucking haters all of you lol

And, to be purely political for a moment, we’re already up shit’s creek and our only paddle is the mid-terms and hoping everyone from Trump down to Ryan gets impeached or drops dead. The idea that if we live by what we say our values are, will mean that thing will get worse, I don’t see how.

Right but I think thats the point the OP is making while its presentation is awful. The concept of the greater good is somewhat ambiguous. It ebbs and flows based on our perception of the world. Its the reason that someone against abortion will vote for Roy Moore or why someone interested in environmental policy might

yeah thats pretty cold. I have one month in savings not including my 401k and I worry all the time about getting laid off and not being able to get a new job quick enough

I just love the slant in the local report too. The news needed to let us know she had once been reprimanded for violating the precincts drug and alcohol abuse policy after getting behind the wheel drunk after a gold outing. She served a suspension and it was years ago. Even if you’re a cop when you speak out against

As much as I hate that fuckface of a president I don’t think hes in violation here. both A1 and A2 stipulate influence/threaten of an official act. The key is official act here. Its very possible im misunderstanding this but I think he would have to be caught using some level of leverage as President in an official