
while i dont think you’re an asshole surely you see that the chances of being in an active shooter situation especially at church are low.

Did you start carrying because of the two recent publicized church shootings or have you always carried one to church?

“90% of all white people talk is racism” wow you had to really dig deep for that one didn’t you

Id rather that level of subtlety than sitting idle as President Cheeto comes along just because he has an R next to his name. Some of us still have principles.

All right friends Im here to put this one to bed. I see a lot of shit talking about how Jez is hypocritical and how they “give passes” to people they like on a whim.

I read this shit all the time. I’ll probably get fired for how much time i spend here. I just have one question for all of you talkin this nonsense.


are you reading Jez to figure out who you are and are not allowed to give “passes”

How about Jez is a blog that talks about often talks feminist issues. The writers all have their own experiences upbringings and views that could create multiple reasons of what it means to be or not be a feminist. You’re getting caught up in the labels where as this statement from Cardi B (be it basic af) is THE core

Alright ill jump in im curious. In this hypothetical about the man next week asking his colleague if she’d like to have sex...

Where does he ask her? Is it similar to Louis in that its in the office? Does the location of the proposition matter?

Is there a difference in terms of appropriateness between asking for a date

Yeah I had something happen that was similar and it really made me ask some tough questions about myself. I joined a real life friends clan in Destiny 2. My friend is trying to get into streaming so he’s been posting his stuff in destiny chats and allowing anyone in his stream to join the discord. He even allows them

Sure thats a fair point and the military passage doesnt support her argument in that case. Doesn’t change the fact the OP asked a question that is discussed at length in the article lol

Given your identity politics

The big argument that I see is that in a lot of cases (especially where character or asset variance is high) meta’s often work themselves out. Theres always going to be things that “do X the best”. A good example is that two characters might both have a percent damage ability but one is easier to land in teamfights on

My big gripe with the saltiness is that they released Kayn not long ago who is an assassin corrupted by a demonic blade and reworked a succubus and an undertaker. But yeah ALL the champions are silly now. RABBLERABBLERABBLE...

well she didn’t...but I think this section is pretty interesting.

Did you read the article? She goes into great lengths on its uses to avoid litigation and how it applies more so to people that have the means to sue with a lengthy section on word usage in stories about the military versus people with money in positions of power.  

WTF is it with dudes thinking that grabbing, poking, pinching or patting someone’s ass “lightens the mood” or “loosens people up”. Of all the male fuckery I’ve heard in light of all the allegations and naming being done this confuses the absolute fuck out of me.

The polysyllabic, jawline-less, serial sayer-of-stupid-shit, semi-professional shucker, vapid brandisher of big words, overly-animated, inducer of “whose man is this?” forehead slope nationally known as Stephen A. Smith

Well sure but I do think (real talk) some of your assessments are on point and others are a bit negative. I’ve done some of these things being a bit of a nomad and moving from one place to another. The forms for volunteering and scheduling is a pretty big problem. However the statements on friendships and meetups are

I was kidding friend. I often forget sarcasm doesnt travel well over the interwebz. I should really start noting that with a ‘/s’

yes I’ve been inundated with the idea that life is like romantic comedies and that I’ll find myself in love with the quirky librarian because im the serious business type and that we’ll meet in a coffee shop when i trip over her stuffed panda while she writes a book on the “inhuman experience” and that if my life

me thinks your problem is that you’re a negative nancy/norman. Though I do think you would have a knack for being the angry yelling comic at the local watering hole. So...try that?