bad troll is bad
bad troll is bad
As a musician I can say that this article is spot on. Musicians need to understand that their time and money are valued. My gear roughly totals out at a few grand and i still have to coax promoters and venues to provide enough for gas money to me and my band mates.
So it was my freshman year of college and was having a conversation in the student activity centers rec room with some friends. We were all super nerds into anime and video games and we were just sitting there playing cards. They were talking about struggles of talking to women and being that I'm a musician and…
Before this i didnt realize how similar the singing styles of Cher and Shakira are...
Its simple science folks. Gays have better reflexes. Once you come out as gay you're forced to endure harsh treatment from people resulting in the requirement to dodge items being thrown at you. This of course is proven by how bad in closet gays are at dodgeball
Well it was an intro writing class for college. Basically read the short stories and answer questions, write essays, do research rinse repeat. He wasn't really needed except for the occasional formatting question. Now if this was one of my science or math professors then yes i likely would have been pretty pissed
i take issue with the term unborn child too. Its a fetus. I feel like calling them children or unborn babies is a dig. I'd imagine its a lot more wrenching to be called a child killer rather than a fetus killer. Out of curiosity do you know the origin of the term unborn child / unborn baby?
More than 18,000 'very late term' abortions are performed every year on perfectly healthy unborn babies in America. These are innocent and defenseless children who can not only feel pain, but who can survive outside of the womb in most cases, and who are torturously killed without even basic anesthesia.
The president of the Florida ACLU immediately attacked Bush's comments, telling the Herald,""So the people should have the right to enact a discriminatory law?" (No. States don't have the right to that, or we'd still have laws in favor of segregation and beating your wife when she sasses you, because most people are…
Sounds like the longest first date ever. Who can stand that much awkward silence for so long!?!?
This isn't a tragedy. It's an origin story...
Well done +1
Unfortunately because he is a high profile student athlete with tons of earning potential these cases will always come down to an extortion defense. Now known going forward as the Bill Cosby defense. That with the unfortunate aspect that rape cases are already very difficult to prove without physical evidence make…
Perspective: its what i needed. Hope his recovery goes well. Keep firing!
we now have replaced "Florida Man" with "Florida {insert inanimate object}"
what i dont get....if they had adjourning doors. Why didn't he go back to his room through the adjourning door?
Well after 7 minutes it all becomes clear. Hes on his way to pick up his mother. Who would be happy in that instance :)
Kluwe influence strikes again
Lets be fair, he used crazy woman in the context of a woman trying to kill you. Can we all agree that would be a decent definition of crazy? Yeah using women in his metaphor probably not the best idea though