I wasn't aware the west side of canada was so gangsta...
I wasn't aware the west side of canada was so gangsta...
I found it funny and even a little bit charming. *im a software developer though
three cheers to my hometown!
No one was arrested because the police viewed it as "mutual combat."
haha yeah i realized after i said that that i had a computer and looked it up. He has a fucking song about gang raping a 13 yr old girl....asldjkhkljbasklabfaskjabhsdkfjbh
And ignore Ted Nugent's history with underage girls. Lots of them.
I read all of your posts in Daria's voice....thank you
You lack knowledge...and opened your mouth. A dangerous combo...
nothing about that claim is scientific or has any basis in reality. Just because it confuses you doesn't mean that high school kids would be. Also, you're the worst troll ever. You're not even clever or funny. Unless...oh my god...you're actually being serious. In which case I hope you never reproduce. If you…
Please explain your thoughts on this. Why should she not be allowed to teach? What harm is being done to the children she teaches?
Creationist group Answers in Genesis argue that the show promotes "blind faith in evolution"
yeah a complete non-apology there...
I think the OP is citing Gawker Media links not just Jez. I understand the confusion.
man everyone is throwing shame at you for saying almost the same thing. You all agree light doesn't move any faster. lol
Not sure if this is still true but when I went to SBU 06-2010 it was a girl then too
you are extremely perceptive for seeing a connection there.
Scott Foley's wife doesn't like his love scenes with Kerry Washington on Scandal, because he touches them both the same way.