
While I understand your point I was merely making the point that aside from contracting something during child birth, someone that has not had sex is likely to not have any STIs. A guy MAY be a jerk depending on the context in which that statement is made but I don't think its definitive. Now I'm a 26 yr old man and

It's been my personal experience talking with male friends that virginity doesn't send many men running for the hills. And in some cases (and take this with whatever amount of salt you feel is appropriate) some men find it a turn on. Whether it be that they know you're likely disease free or that they have a fetish

The dream world of a person that could afford to go to Princeton

So many commenters here are objectifying this man for. He has a wife and kids for God sakes. You people disgust me!

reading comprehension...its important

Truth...i ended up meeting someone IRL later on down the line after I cut out the OKC. So hopefully I won't be dating anytime soon. :)

...samsies lol

So I had recently gone through a break-up with someone I had an off and on again relationship for 4 years. (3 of those years were solid though)

i was just squirming at my desk waiting for that person to lose an arm

I dont single them out for being 'unladylike'. I single them out for the purposes of entertainment to me and my friends.

The best part about this is that after he says hed like her to do something more sport specific he highlights that the top lugers do various exercises that strengthen arms shoulders and legs. I think shes a goddamn genius

For Drinks with coworkers including that one that stares at you from across the office and shoots you the double finger guns - Water

Don't worry Doris, I'm sure the internet will teach him all about it.

My vote goes to this story

go on.... :)

Ok i got a good one. My current girlfriend is actually the sister of two band mates girlfriends. For the akwardness of the statement I'll try and explain. I play in a 4 person band. Three of us (this includes me) are dating a set of sisters. I was recently single and she had actually just given birth to a baby

The head first on web programming is a great starter for someone looking to design websites with db connections and scripting.

That was a very rational response. Do you have any actual discomfort with a man using the ladies room when they have no reason? I guess my thought process is why does it matter at that point. Why do we segregate at all? We assign reason to why a man can use a womens restroom. I feel it more often comes from