
maybe it's just me but i wonder if the person making production stills saw the word ass in the CLASSIC on the banner behind them. I also wonder if that was totally planned

omg Justin Bieber is Miley Cyrus....IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!!!!

We get it Miley, you're hip and edgy now. I feel bad for her though because I'm sure this has been her personality for years and she's had to hide it under the kid friendly facade that was Hannah Montana. Lets be honest though, If she was a 15 or 16 year old pop star and saying and doing all of this shit she would

"Please guys. Stop being dicks to our lowly branch employees when you're mad at high-level executives. That's almost as misguided as protesting Wal-Mart's klepto-capitalism by barfing blue Kool Aid all over an elderly greeter earning poverty wages in Omaha. You're not helping."

The issue seems to be that people don't like their friends saying "hello, I know you saw my message...respond"

Racists as far as the eye can see...

id even let the fro pass...but the blackface it's just dumb. It offends people and does nothing for your show.

Whenever I see this I just're not fooling anyone. Does blackface improve your performance at all? Do you feel more authentic? We all know you're white.

the smile says it all

I'm sorry Miss Jackson...WHOOOOO. I AM FO' REAL!!!!!!

This is just pointless gender bashing. It's easier to target men since most men dont cross their legs at all or if they do in a manner that saves leg space. The truth is people suck and many people on public transportation suck more. This isn't an MRA thing...this is human beings are selfish and need to recognize

looks like beetlejuice fucking a 13 yr old with down syndrome...

one of the jackson girls

That makes perfect sense..I guess I just assumed he meant that college was too expensive for women because they would need to get loans. But you are correct that Government subsidization raises tuition universally. I guess I should have given him a little more credit lol

Like anything that is subsidized by the government, the cost of a college degree is inflated.

Open your eyes and look the fuck around

"From the first time I seen you"

I ate one of these and was pretty ok. The lid was all puffed but nothing was coming out. Got a mild allergic reaction. Hives on my hand. Went to bed and didn't die.

i guess the company is important there. But I'm pretty sure cold, wet and covered in shit is never good regardless of the company. Least he had his friends there to help clean him up and ridicule him the entire ride home lol

When I woke up, I had shit in my sleeping bag, stabbed my tent to pieces, and I think I ended up in a creek at one point because my clothes and boots were soaking wet and hanging from a tree 20 feet up.