
Can we all agree that religion can ruin perfectly well intentioned individuals?

did anyone else picture Jon Stewart making the same Zales joke on The Daily Show? I read the joke and thought John Oliver might have some competition :)

I need to see more footage after the kick but it almost looks like he was trying to show boat like a high step dance and just didnt realize he was down there. It doesn't really even look like a kick. That is unless the high steps were because he thought he was tangled up. but it does look like he continues the high

Haha Shoshanna's first is like the pervy guys she talks about. He made such a big deal about not being worthy only to decide he was worthy and do it anyway lol

my favorite kind of interview...

+1 brilliance

competitive pinochle league

My rule has always been to offer to pay for the check and If she would like to split it or pick up the next tab than sure no problem. Chivalry is about honor and courtesy. Not making your date feel inadequate.

no no you misunderstand my post. Shame on you for getting upset over the trolls. You knew your comment would bring a flurry of trolls down upon you. I disagree with your view but I also don't condone the name calling and the concern trolling being done to you.

i dont disagree with you. I just think that its unrealistic to assume even a site like Jezebel is free of trolls and name callers. I think that asking someone to cover up when breastfeeding is wrong for may of the reasons people posted above. I don't condone anyone calling her a prudish cunt. I just find it

I knew that my comment would cause and shit storm, and it has. I have a right to my opinions just as everyone else here has theirs. I'm not anti-breastfeeding people!! For fucks sake. I'm not uneducated, I'm not a prude, I haven't bought into the patriarchal bullshit. I know babies squirm, I know that sometimes my

i just...i dont even know...

Riley Cooper just booked a plane ticket and bought a Pats jersey

Do you feel like statisticians will ever become obsolete? Will machines invent models as well as crunch numbers in the future?

A local charity rescue eventually turned the tides and pulled the car to safety.

for a man outlawing blowjobs he sure looks like he is about to deep throat the most beautiful cock in the world

"That could be verified."

right because nobody would make up testimony to get themselves out of going to jail. Please tell me one forensic expert that verified 100% accuracy to the statement that the Zimmerman made.

Like a glove...

Good use of the number 1!!!!1! :)