but...but...he plays the bass :)
but...but...he plays the bass :)
Joe Francis is the voice of reason in a conversation?!?!?!!?
You hit the nail on the head Katie. Seduction is not misogynistic by definition but rather by the people that employ it as a simple set of concepts for manipulating someones desires. At the end of the day this is about selling help and the only way to do that is to create a broad set of rules to sell to these…
"Your Favorite Actor is Kirk Cameron"
that's so meta
You romantic you :)
Crush pussy, bro.
"No one ever died from coding"
just going to leave this here
The contact was legit but the reaction was way over the top. What a baby!
He got up there pretty fast. Would have shit pants immediately...
It is that kind of lazy thinking that gets the Republican Party in so much trouble. Rather than addressing the issue of the content they simply change the person delivering the shitty rhetoric. This would be like Herman Cain arguing against Affirmative Action which would never happen with such a smart conservative…
Ah, I thought you were saying that fair is fair and since Men do it already than should women. I read the /sarcasm and still misinterpreted your sarcasm
You're right. Piss on all men everywhere because a couple of fuckwad OKCupidNiceGuys made some shitty female rating apps like Playbook? How about we all agree that internet romantic/sexual partner apps are disgusting
OK I'm going to be that guy. I'm not an MRA but I will plainly call shenanigans here. I love Jez and I really love all of your work Meher but for a site that boasts an equality of the sexes you seem to turn a blind eye with LuLu just because it doesn't allow personal textual information. Just because a partner of…
I know so was I, I plan to run to the deli downstairs from my office and get some snacks now :)
Come on, don't be scared — the water's fine, and we have snacks! (Get it, cause we're fat!)
I don't think the Parker fall in the forth quarter was a flop. I think the fall was legit but only because he got his foot tangled after he landed while he was leaning. To my knowledge there was no call.
It's a little bit romanticized but I think its a great passionate speech about his personal desire to stop the "Surveillance State" we have been becoming since the early 2000's. I won't lie the phrase "federation of secret law" gave me chills.