She ripped off banks and jughead trust fund kids. I say give her a medal.
She ripped off banks and jughead trust fund kids. I say give her a medal.
It is good that Sansa is still able to be sex-positive after her many traumatic experiences
Did you just write a 4,500 word story about how a young woman who has become a figurehead for the resistance for other young women once wrote some bitchy anonymous emails when she was 23?
I don’t think it’s acquiescing at all: white nationalism falls under both racist and white supremacist ideology. It’s a specific set of beliefs and core issues (another example: Neo Confederates, who are also racists and white supremacists, also has a specific set of core issues).
I believe the technical term is “shredded.”
Couldn’t agree more. I would add:
Whichever one my friends go to...the lesbian pastor there performed their same sex ceremony, so...
Unitarian...many Episcopal churches (Protestant sects it depends on the individual church itself), Reformed Judaism?...annnnnnd...Flying Spaghetti Monster?
Ok I have to admit, when Bloody Shoes came out I couldn’t stand Cardi. Now, I’m over here trying to not stan Cardi to the point of creepiness.
You could also formulate it as ‘Peter Capaldi’s Doctor warned his successor, unknown to him, to run fast, be kind, and never eat pears.’ That would adhere to both parallelism and joke structure. Always end on the punch line.
The Incels take a pigeon flying in New York as a sign that a woman is lying somewhere. Best not to care what those lowlifes are thinking of, they are beyond redemption. Focus on opening minds of people who aren’t already lost to reason
I guess I don’t understand the appeal of White Supremacy. Every time I’ve seen old video of the Supremes performing, they’ve always looked black to me. In the right light maybe Diana Ross is kinda beigeish.
Aw man I have so many pairs of pants I’d love you to hem...
Her cousin Leroy, on the other hand, is running straight into a collaboration with Brett Ratner without any regard for the safety of himself or others.
Jack Daniels is not bourbon. It is merely whiskey. And not very good whiskey at that.
I stand with Louise.
This reminds me of that episode of Bob’s Burgers where Louise only wanted to have children so that she could feed them to a polar bear.
Was going to say “I’ll trust the Des Moines Register (where that U.s. Today story was aggregated from) much more then I’ll trust the alcoholic who is trying to protect ABC’s brand of reality television shows with his high paid attorneys.” Signed, an Iowan.
Time to drop him from my keeper league, I guess.