Sports Almanac 1985
Sports Almanac 1985
Who ever it is, it will be wrong. Until the movie comes out, then he will be perfect and anyone else would have sucked.
Former TV studio Cameraman here: It's true, anchors, especially weekend anchors often wear shorts under the desk if they aren't out reporting between newscasts.
What gets me is the complete disconnect between Gawker Media and it's writers. Meaning, people like you, Charlie Jane over at i09, and others are so cool, then managment is so... not.
While I wouldn't say I couldn't EVER write a convincing gay male relationship of any depth, I could write one about two lesbians. I've had a lot more life experience talking to, and more important, listening to gay women, particularly 20-something ones, their struggles, the basic human relationship problems, their…
The Key word you use here is "Convincing". If, in the future, you decided a same sex relationship was key to your writing, you would do what writers do when they have to write about someone very different from themselves, they research, you would talk to gay or lesbian friends, you would gather stories and take from…
Y'all are gonna laugh, but the original, pre crisis Terra-Man had a killer origin. A kid is kidnapped from Old West America, learns to be an interstellar outlaw, kills his kidnappers, ends up with weapons styled after what he remembers, Colt Revolvers and a Flying Horse...
Fucking hell, I feel old. This book wasn't even published til the year I graduated college.
If people stopped being condescending pricks over religion or lack thereof, they'd find another reason. We call those people assholes. I have met a great many of people of all faiths and lack of faiths who are quite nice. They believe what they believe and if we are discussing religion, its interesting, because…
I think I have seen #6 somewhere online at some point.
That's awfully harsh for a benign question.
It's what happens when you follow people on twitter because you "hate" them. They say something, you clap your hands together and say "OH WE GOT THEM NOW! WATCH WHAT I SAY!" Both sides of every issue have them. Outrage culture (a term that may get me shelled but oh well) at…
It really sucks, a woman or other minority should have been given the opportunity to have a show who's only audience is aging baby boomers who fell asleep during Letterman or Colbert.
With SAGA it was even more than only not allowing it. It was making something that content and budget and storytelling wise, was really just unsuitable for it. Sex Criminals seems hard to sell to a studio who wants safe middle of the road. Maybe Pay TV though.
"I very much believe it's unfair to say "I like movies with strong female leads" and then not make one.
Nova is pretty good. Can't comment on Ghost Rider. I think between Nova and Ms. Marvel it's like saying "No, Double chocolate fudge is better than New York Supreme Chocolate"... They're both pretty damn delicious, comes down to personal preference.
Better than Boo-tista.
I personally think making it a sequel would be cool. Then again, my neice just turned 1 and I have thoughts of generational legacy on my mind.
I have decided that while I will not ridicule Bronies, I will decide they are the thing that makes me an old man. I don't get it, I don't want to get it, and all of you Bronies GET OFF MY LAWN (and stop eating the lettuce in my garden!)
This needs to BE Ghostbusters 3. Rebooting it seems gimmicky.
I think the best bet is to not try and match the characters 1 to 1.