I get its cool to insult Ben Carson for his political activities, he’s not great.
I get its cool to insult Ben Carson for his political activities, he’s not great.
Guess what? Strangers’ germs won’t hurt your baby...at least, not any more than your own germs—and I’m guessing you touch, kiss, and cuddle your baby hundreds of times a day. Over-protecting children from ordinary microorganisms may reduce the ability of the child’s immune system to develop properly and is correlated…
For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to buying a case from Apple?) but, mostly due to a lack of time to get anything else before a trip, I bought one last year and fell in love with it. $50 was more than I usually spend on a case, but it looks…
For some reason, I always balked at the iPhone leather cases (maybe the price, maybe some internal resistance to…
I presume a lifetime of frugal living, raising three children who have no college debt, paying off a mortgage, and saving for a relatively comfortable retirement would not qualify me because a) I don’t have two years writing about personal finance, and b) I am probably maybe too old (?). I don’t get the impression…
My wife and I used the Snoo with our son and we loved it. To be clear I would agree that no one NEEDS this to raise a happy healthy sleep-through-the-night baby, but we are confident that we got significantly more sleep in the first 6 months with him than we would have otherwise gotten. More sleep meant a happier and…
My wife and I used the Snoo with our son and we loved it. To be clear I would agree that no one NEEDS this to raise…
“After a week of tweaking and adjusting, because no baby is the same, the Snoo finally started working.”
“After a week of tweaking and adjusting, because no baby is the same, the Snoo finally started working.”
Dear Lifehacker,
They can reopen in the case of fraud, malfeasance, material misrepresentation, etc. It remains to be seen if they will.
That’s...all they got out of a 100K page investigation? Good Lord, I’d hate to be the highly-motivated liberal intern that only had this to show at the end of her summer.
This. A million times this.
Every day, hundreds of millions of Americans play the game - go to work, earn money, spend money, repeat. Save a little coin along the way and one day you retire. That’s the way the game has always been played.
But yet, when we look at those who have been more successful at playing the exact…
So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it? I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos. Be better Hamno. This is fucking weaksauce.
*slow clap*
So I’m the oldest of my generation in the family (mid 30s with the my sister and cousins all in their mid 20s). For the past 5 years roughly I’ve warned them of exactly this. I’ve relocated. I’ve purchased a house. I’ve started a family. I’ve bought several cars. I’ve been let go and hired the same day, I…
Yeah because old people can’t learn anything new & only do things the same way they did in their 20's & certainly don’t keep up with financial trends in any way shape or form. Fuck could you be any ruder about a big old chunk of the population? Herpa derpa old people be stoopid.
Telling kids not to listen to their parents is like shooting fish in a barrel.
One very important lesson I learned from my parents is that I can live with a lot less than I think I need. I remembered growing up we will never go on any overseas holidays because that’s the only way my parents can put food on the table.
Pro Tip: If you you travel for work, buy a cheap meal with your own money and rack up a large tab at an airport bar which you put on your expense report. Personally, I’d rather not admit to my boss I spent $80 on booze, but when I only turn in one receipt it is assumed there was expensive food in there too.
I don’t know, I saw a BMW with working turn signals the other day.
It’s typical liberal hypocrisy
*writes article about giving up Amazon*
*posts article linking to Amazon to save money on charging cables*
Ummm, welcome to 2010?