My daughters are the second generation of modest dressing in this family.
My daughters are the second generation of modest dressing in this family.
I can't wait until she realizes that her disgusting parents basically pimped her out.
Brian Austin Green is looking really cheery and enthusiastic here. This must have been before his friend accidentally blew his head off right in front of him. He became much more emo after that.
And just in time for their new TV show to premiere!
Between this and her recent claim that she and Dean can't afford to get him a vasectomy* I'm concerned that this is impregnation porn.
But, Charlie Sheen/Sean Penn/Lindsay Lohan/Amanda Bynes/Mel Gibson!
Well I guess now you know why newspapers died.
As a man I plan on wearing a feminine top, tailored skirt, and leg-lengthening heels. If I don't get a job then I'm suing UC Irvine.
I heard this interview over the weekend and I couldn't help but cringe when she started going on about this. Has she seen a lot of the stuff she's worn?
Amazing but true fact: Charmed was the longest running show will an all-female lead cast. I assume it inched out Xena.
Left Eye's arson and fatal car crash inspired T-Boz's 5-point asbestos seat harness.
YES. Showtunes old geezer here too (34, that's old now right?). Season 1 I knew almost everything they sang, now it's like 1 in 10 songs.
You know how this should have ended? Season three, they win Nationals. The end. Spin off with Rachel Kurt & crew at new school with living in NYC. End it with her getting understudy in Funny Girl, getting a moment to shine, the end.
This is just one of those things you don't want to do on your own. I prefer to get formaldehyde baked into my hair by a professional, thank you.
Have you seen Queer as Folk? He's actually very talented.
The teachers thing kills me. There's a law that requires teachers to report shit like this. My mind is blown by that.
I'm confused, so forgive me, but a clinical trial is her only treatment option? Most clinical trials require 50% of the subjects to be given placebos, and aren't actually receiving treatment. Is there zero course of treatment outside the trial?