StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I'm not exactly sure she was in on that joke.

Illuminati white/black checkerboard pattern.

Britney's dress is better.

Ya'll know she's pissed at being upstaged.

Work for a business for nearly 10 years and you're only make $10.55/hour?

What happened after that?

Now playing

I bet Mariah sings a mean version of this song ('Let Me Smell Yo' Dick'):

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I bet Mariah sings a mean version of this song ('Let Me Smell Yo' Dick'):

Where's the scene where the kid is shot by police?

He was President of Hell's Angels.

Why are small children there?

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Mothers used to be able to throw knives at their kids.

You know you're getting old when the thought of "hookup culture" gives you the sads.

Never trust a person with no food in the fridge.

Coming soon to your sister-in-law's BabiesRUs registry.

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Heathus Christ, this should have been posted.

Have you seen Octavia Spencer's cover of Radiohead's 'No Surprises' from the shitty movie 'Paradise'? It's divine and the highlight of the film.

How has he not aged in 15 years?