StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I thought Kevin Smith retired???

Big was so very "Red Pill", now that I've come to think about it. Aidan was Beta. Are these RP guys on Reddit right about life?

Stop trying to make bae happen.

She states "clear" twice, so I feel it was an intentional Scientology reference.

Is she referring to the Scientology "clear" though?

The only acceptable #jadapose.

All of Paris' knowledge of Einstein comes from this documentary.

Why is Paris Hilton (still) wearing Juicy Couture? Don't they sell that shit at Kohl's now?

Off the market? Yeah, whatever. It's a marriage between a rock star and a model.

I got PTSD just watching that.

This poor kid had the world's biggest assholes as parents.

Courtney Love, when she's healthy, is actually a pretty good actress. I haven't watched SoA since the very graphic /spoiler/ of /spoiler/, but I'll watch a clip of her performance when it's posted on here.

I always liked Sherri Shepard because her ignorance about science has brought me laughter but she lost a lot of cool points with me this week after I read that she no longer wants the surrogate child she ordered.

I'm 35 and I kind of want to watch this. Maybe because Mad Men and Games of Thrones aren't on and I need something to watch on Sunday nights when I iron my clothes for the week.

O&A has picked up many former Stern fans. Stern does about 6 live a month and only talks about America's Got Talent and North Shore Animal League.

Leave him, girl!

I feel bad for the cast. They probably wanted to move on to other shows or movies. Now they're trapped in Greendale limbo for another year.

I guess they're working hard to erase Amy Adams' blind items.

I haven't watched The View in a decade but I'd tune in for a Rosie/Candice Cameron fight.

Hu$h money and the sexual exploitation continues for Hollywood royalty.