StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

$8500 for 10 hours work? Must be a cabana boy at a Bryan Singer party.

Gretchen Mol.

She should have slept with them. Then I might know who she is.

So I guess the trial run of being Tom Cruise's Xenu-bride didn't work out. Bet her Masterson brother ex boyfriend who high up in the $cientology ranks threw a wrench in it. Even second generation OT-IIIs get jealous.

The table is first.

I love his Shit Italian Mothers Say videos. Whenever I get homesick, I pop on the videos because I swear he must be spoofing my family.

Fuck, there goes another foodstuff I can't eat. RIP Jelly Belly, you're dead to me.

I went to a bullying seminar at my daughter's school last fall. The "expert" told us that the only way to defeat a bully is to "buy" them. What kind of message does that send my child? Give gifts to the person who physically and/or psychologically abuses you. Yeah, that won't be problematic in the future at all.

I'm a Veteran with PTSD who works at the VA as a therapist for other Veterans with PTSD. I feel like a fraud too, especially when I wake straight into a panic attack —- but I remind myself of the people I've helped. That gets me through those types. I'm excellent at my work but pretty shitty at real life.

Vespa scooter gang.

She employs a staff of professionals to watch her children.

An occasional glass of wine is fine during pregnancy.

I do.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this —— I'm so over this Tavi kid.

They're too young to have children older than mine!

This is ripe for that Willy Wonka meme. Yes, 16-year-old, tell me about all relationships.

I think they've got Chelsea Handler locked in, which is why she surprisingly ended her E! show.

Wasn't she actually suing for access to her trust and not because she's just "spoiled"?

I'm a Navy veteran and I've seen women get written up for shaving their heads.

I just realized that I've been going to that site for like 15 fucking years. Perhaps when it is gone, I'll watch less television.