StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I took a POL 300 class as an elective way back when I was still a student. I think it was called "Making Your Vote Count" or something like that. Turns out me and 3 other serious students didn't realize it was a ringer class for the football team (who just lost the Sugar Bowl) and some random basket ball players. They

Internet says we learn the mother is dead in the future. What say you all?

Because if you're ugly you should stay in an abusive relationship?

Was that gay erotica for men who either didn't have access to gay porn in their community or were too afraid to purchase gay magazines?

Fuck, that's really expensive for play clothes. I'll wait for the knockoffs.

Way back when, Cooper was about to be killed off Alias. Garber stepped in. forums and ONTD were the places to be in 2001/2002 for all the Victor Garber/Bradley Cooper gossip. #VGBBneverforget

To side with Louis CK, there have probably been like 1,200 students who have asked questions in the past — and only one successful Bradley Cooper (and if you believe the rumors, it was because of his sexual relationship with Victor Garber that got Cooper ahead in his career).

I can't throw shade because I don't have the makeup skills.

What's your damage, Heather?

"One of the main features of quiche is box gap. If you've got your thighs rubbing together from fat, then you want to think about what you're eating or just accept the fact that you're never gonna be quiche."

Funny because aren't employees fired if they try to stop a shoplifter (other than loss prevention employees)?

Why are people hulahooping at work?

Beth Behrs looks like a blonde Lea Michele.

Yes. I'm also a clinical social worker who does marriage counseling.

I suspect that a majority of celebrities don't vaccinate, but they keep it quiet. There's no way GOOP and Angelina immunize their children.

If you've ever watched an episode of 'Little People, Big World', you'd see that this couple hated each other and only kept it together for the reality show money and the kids.

I have a hunch that Katy Perry has never heard of Nikola Tesla and thinks they're just referencing a cool, expensive car.

How far away did you live from the school? Yikes.

Just get your ass out of bed and go to school. Next up, complaining to professors and employers.