StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

We all know that Black don't crack. Wasn't Stacy Dash like 73 when she filmed Clueless?

Giuliana Depandi... Where did you go?

Emilio doesn't deserve that type of scorn. He's a good guy.

Did Queen Latifah or Missy Elliott come out yet?

I wish little North had a change to get to know her grandma Dr. Donda West. She was an incredible woman. With her influence North could have became a Senator. Under Kris Jenner the best we can hope for is host of Dancing with the Stars.

Alec Baldwin on SVU? I haven't watched the show in 10 years (because seriously, how many times can you watch women be raped and murdered?) but I'd tune in for him.

Now playing

The one where he sings with her is the best. Reminds you that this was originally a happy a song.

Doctors are now reluctant to prescribe opiates, so many are turning to heroin.

Just tell me what kind of S-Type Donda West like?

I can't laugh at this —- knowing my luck I'll need them one day. Nice to know they exist.

$200,000 spent to lengthen a leg and poor Jonah Hill had to go on WIC or some shit like that.

I really want to know where the extra skin went.

I'm a grown-ass woman and I'm excited about the Lego movie! Been humming "Everything is Awesome" all week.

3 or 4 days ago I read that Farrah stated she was raped and sent it here as a tip, hoping that Jez would discuss it.

Ethan Hawke as Ethan Hunt is a stroke of genius.

Hope she breastfeeds at the mediation table too while that county cuts her a check.

Why did they boot women in 1989?

2009? Hmmm..... Pants look suspect. I may have just become one of those Lorde truther/birther thingys.

We can admit it —- none of us are reading Stephen King anyways.