StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Rosie O'Donnell.

Please take the picture of the kid down. It's giving me a case of the feels.

I know I'm not the only one here in disbelief that she wet her hair.

Probably gave her Evangelical parents a heart attack with this one.

Validate what he is feeling and encourage him to get help — perhaps outside of his university's health system (if possible).

I'm a therapist. Not really sure what is going on at your boyfriend's university. Was he seeing a student intern?

Let's support Amanda's recovery by not posting anything about her. Give the girl some privacy and space. Did she need to lead this Dirt Bag?

Rest in peace.

It's safe to assume he's had women call him Uncle Sugar before. Ick.

I suspect she's racist. The reboot would have been wonderful.

Steampipe Alley post!!

Kesha, honey, no rush. Focus on your mental health right now and don't worry about having to perform. Okay?

What's Tinder? Like Grindr?

These don't look like they stay on your feet.

But what I really want to know is if she shaved her pits for this show.

Natasha Lyonne, check. Now after watching Crystal Fairy and last night's episode of Girls, I'd like to see something done with Gaby Hoffman. Leave her bush covered though.

As a kid, I loved getting that JC Penney catalog in the mail. I'd fantasize about all the clothes I'd buy if I had the money. Then, I became and adult with a career complete with money to spend on clothing —- and the last place I'd ever buy clothes now is at JC Penney.

Is it wrong to be impressed by Charlie Sheen's poetry?