StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

Lupita who?

Brooklyn seems like a magical place — like you can take out your trash and end up fucking rich Patrick Wilson for 36 hours.

Tarantino working on a spider script? Sounds like someone got some funding from Jon Peters.

Yes! That is the only celeb Instagram I experienced a measurable happiness while viewing. When you think of what a hard life she has endured and the success building for her now —- it just makes me feel so warm inside.

There is definitely a market out there for women and transwomen who want bridal pants and jumpsuits. Expect more of these to come.

Fucking magnets!!

If an upside-down, chandelier-hanging wedding cake is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Just like how Dwyane Wade understands boundaries and condoms.

More like some sort of ritual sacrifice tribute to Illuminati bullshit.

Honey, if he has a baby during a 'break', he'll have another during the marriage.

I say let him keep the kids and force him to be an active parent. Perhaps he'd stop making them if he realized the amount of work that goes into caring for them. Parenthood is more than a Hitler cake.

Me too. I swear she came out years ago.

Maybe she just doesn't like her trachea?

Let's just called it "Borderline High".... all those teens raised in invalidating environments by mentally ill parents.

Never saw that before. I was afraid that girl was going to get gang-raped.

I love Paul Rudd so much that after seeing "The Shape of Things", I've hated Rachel Weisz. Her career is the fail.

I love Black Alias.

Remember back when the Sopranos aired and HBO would release the pre-season cast photo. People would find spoilers for the season or the theme of the season within the photo. To me, it looks like the flighty one with the British accent is going to slit her wrists. There also appears to be a schism within the group