StuckInCinci (dont cry for me Argentina)

I suspect she's racist. The reboot would have been wonderful.

Steampipe Alley post!!

Kesha, honey, no rush. Focus on your mental health right now and don't worry about having to perform. Okay?

What's Tinder? Like Grindr?

These don't look like they stay on your feet.

But what I really want to know is if she shaved her pits for this show.

Natasha Lyonne, check. Now after watching Crystal Fairy and last night's episode of Girls, I'd like to see something done with Gaby Hoffman. Leave her bush covered though.

As a kid, I loved getting that JC Penney catalog in the mail. I'd fantasize about all the clothes I'd buy if I had the money. Then, I became and adult with a career complete with money to spend on clothing —- and the last place I'd ever buy clothes now is at JC Penney.

Is it wrong to be impressed by Charlie Sheen's poetry?

Lupita who?

Brooklyn seems like a magical place — like you can take out your trash and end up fucking rich Patrick Wilson for 36 hours.

Tarantino working on a spider script? Sounds like someone got some funding from Jon Peters.

Yes! That is the only celeb Instagram I experienced a measurable happiness while viewing. When you think of what a hard life she has endured and the success building for her now —- it just makes me feel so warm inside.

There is definitely a market out there for women and transwomen who want bridal pants and jumpsuits. Expect more of these to come.

Fucking magnets!!

If an upside-down, chandelier-hanging wedding cake is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Just like how Dwyane Wade understands boundaries and condoms.

More like some sort of ritual sacrifice tribute to Illuminati bullshit.

Honey, if he has a baby during a 'break', he'll have another during the marriage.